Past Productions

“The crowning achievement: seven actors, each of whom deliver top-notch performances infused with sympathy, beauty and realism.” – The Charlebois Post

Nominated for four META awards


April 3 – 13, 2014 at the MAI

Written by / écrit par Lindsay Wilson
Directed by / mise en scène par Alison Darcy

blindposter-v2-1200bBlind is a play about the persecution of people with albinism in Tanzania – murdered for their body parts, which are believed to hold magical power. In this fascinating encounter between documentary theatre and mythical storytelling, Blind follows Hannah during her stay in Tanzania where she works as an international observer of human rights violations. Featuring snapshot-testimonies from children with albinism, the victims of violent crimes, the play is also an unflinching account of the crisis of humanitarian aid in Africa. In examining the issue of gathering testimony and of observation, Blind questions assumptions about foreign intervention.

Written by Montreal author Lindsay Wilson, a graduate of the Ryerson Theatre School in Toronto and Concordia University, Blind draws from Wilson’s own experience in Tanzania.

Blind - Presented by Scapegoat Carnivale Blind - Presented by Scapegoat Carnivale

Cast & crew / équipe

Press release / communiqué de presse

Blind est une œuvre théâtrale sur la persécution que subissent en Tanzanie des personnes albinos, dont les organes, censés détenir des vertus magiques, sont utilisés sous forme de potions. Dans une fascinante rencontre de théâtre documentaire et d’évocation mythique, Blind suit le parcours d’Hannah, lors de son séjour en Tanzanie où elle travaille en tant qu’observatrice internationale pour des cas de violations des droits de la personne. Entrecoupée de témoignages d’enfants albinos victimes d’exactions, l’œuvre porte un regard sans concession sur la crise de l’aide humanitaire en Afrique. Évoquant la tâche très délicate de rassembler témoignages et observations, Blind remet en question la pertinence de l’intervention étrangère.

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